MAB Programs and the UNESCO Chair

Lake Malawi World Heritage

In collaboration with the Japanese Coordinating Committee for MAB (JCC-MAB), an organization of researchers supporting the MAB Programme in Japan, the UNESCO Chair encourages Next Urban Lab “MAB” that provides great chances for students to participate activities in BR sites where students contribute to local communities.

Through the teaching materials including videos and pilot educational programmes, YNU and international undergraduate students, graduate students, and primary teachers in affiliated schools and others can acquire the enough skill and the knowledge of MAB and SDGs activities.

As for short-term training with project-based learning (PBL) approach, based on past results, the UNESCO Chair plans to send students to Danang, Prince of Songkla, Dalian, including international students, and accept international students every year. (Currently canceled due to the influence of COVID-19.) About half of them are expected to be women and international students. The UNESCO Chair plans to utilize 6 BRs in Japan (Minakami, Kobushi, Tadami, Aya, Yakushima and Mt. Hakusan), and 7 sites (Cu Lao Cham, Mt. Atlântika, Snake Is & Mt. Laotie, Ranong, Hara, Puerto Galera, and Lake Malawi WH) with partner universities.

The UNESCO Chair will promote networks among universities and researchers at the international level, especially in Asia, and the UNESCO Chair is aiming to be a hub for the MAB Programme and ESD.

Activities of undergraduate and graduate schools will be disclosed on the YNU website and SNSs, which will reveal good practices at the national, regional and international levels.

YNU will make brochures and web sites for international branch of YNU including the partner universities.

The UNESCO Chair will publish the latest information every year and open it by both online and offline. We will share these outcomes with the PUL and contribute to the MAB Programme and the SDGs initiatives with these member universities.

The UNESCO Chair will conduct public relations activities not only in Japan but also in China, other Asian nations and the other regions.