Prof. Dr. Shigeyuki Baba

Prof. Dr. Shigeyuki Baba is Executive Director of International Society for Mangrove Ecosystems (ISME).  He is also a Professor Emeritus of University of the Ryukyus, in Okinawa, Japan. 

As Executive Director of ISME, he has organized and implemented a number of projects and training courses, and contributed to the conservation and sustainable management of mangrove ecosystems.

More than thirty years of his tireless efforts still continue in line with the conservation and restoration of integrated coastal ecosystems, which provide a wide range of goods and services to human communities, and our future generations.

He has visited many countries in Asia, Africa, Pacific, the Middle East, and Latin America, for research and projects on mangroves, both as Executive Director of ISME, and as a technical adviser to national and international organizations.