Publication list related to UNESCO Chair "EBRoSS"
update history
2023 before 2022
Italicized articles mean articles written in Japanese. * means non peer reviewed article.
- Hoang NT, Taherzadeh O, Ohashi H, Yonekura Y, Nishijima S, Yamabe M, Matsui T, Matsuda H, Moran D, Kanemoto K, (2023/5) Predicting potential conflicts between
agriculture and conservation. PNAS 120:e2208376120, DOI:
- Oda T, ... Matsuda H, ... Oki T, (in press) Total Economic Costs of Climate
Change with uneven discount rates for market and non-market values. Environmental
Research Letters :, DOI:
- Matsuda H (2023/3)Adaptment's comcept Designing cities adapted to climate change,(1)(2)(3)
- CLÜSENER-GODT, Miguel, 2023. UNESCO Biosphere Reserves in Japan
and in the World. In: Japan InfoMAB (Newsletter on MAB Activities in Japan)
No. 46. P. 2-5.
- Clüsener-Godt M, Watanabe T, Matsuda H (2022/11) Message from Japan on the occasion of International Day for Biosphere Reserves.
Japanese National Commission for UNESCO.
- 松田裕之 (2022/12) 知床世界遺産と北方領土問題. 特集「国境を越えた自然保護:世界の平和構築を目指して」. グローバルネット385:4-5.(Shiretoko World Heritage Site and the "Northern Territories Issue"
- 日本生態学会 生態系管理専門委員会 調査提言部会(部会長:西田貴明) (2022/10受理) 自然の賢明な活用を目指して−グリーンインフラ・NbSの推進における生態学的視点−.
保全生態学研究. :.(Towards the Wise use of Nature: Ecological Perspectives on promoting
Green-infrastructure and Nature-based Solutions, English abstract)
- 有賀暢迪・松田裕之 (2022/3) 科学史対談~外から見た数理生物学~第1回:数理生態学から合意形成へ. JSMB(日本数理生物学会) Newsletter. 96:11-21.(History of Science Dialogue - Part 1: From Mathematical Ecology to Consensus
Building English)
update history
- 2023/5/26: create this web site
contact us: matsuda ^at^